Community Grants

The Rotary Club of Pensacola supports local community projects with a limited number of grants to local charitable 501(c)3 organizations. These grants are awarded annually. The guidelines and timetable for this year’s grants application and the awards timetable are shown below. Unlike in past years, we will be awarding fifteen (15) individual grants to organizations of $2000, so there is no need to request a specific amount of money in this year’s application. This is being done to ensure a fair and balanced approach that will ensure that the Rotary Club of Pensacola can help as many organizations as possible.

Grant Application Guidelines:

The Club supports projects that address community issues such as:

  • Peace and conflict prevention/resolution
  • Disease prevention and treatment
  • Water and sanitation
  • Maternal and child health
  • Basic education and literacy
  • Economic and community development
  • Environment

Projects, by definition, include specific outcomes/deliverables and are timebound.

Grants are not automatically renewed or reconsidered each year. Previous applications not awarded a grant may be submitted again (updated as appropriate) since the mix of competing applications will vary from year to year. An organization's recent receipt of grants from our program is a factor that we consider.

Specific individual(s) who find themselves in a difficult financial situation and those who individually seek to do good works on their own are not eligible individually. Individuals who want to engage in independent charitable work are requested to partner with an eligible charitable organization to submit a grant application.

A grant will only be considered if all documentation is complete and submitted by the deadline.

Recipients should provide the Rotary Club of Pensacola with a follow-up report summary regarding the effect of Rotary’s grant. This could include receipts, photographs, testimonials, numbers served, overall impact, etc.

Recipients are requested to acknowledge the Rotary Club of Pensacola in their own publicity and authorize Rotary to publish information about the project.

Projects can be short and simple or complex and lengthy. The Club’s grant is for use during the year following any award. Support for a phase within a longer duration project may be considered if it otherwise meets requirements.

2025 Grant Application deadline

  • February 10: Grant Process Opens
  • March 15: Grant Application Deadline
  • Late-March: Recommendations Submitted to Board
  • Early April: Grant Recipients Notified

    Grant Application Form and Additional Information

    The completed application(s) along with all required documentation should be provided in PDF format electronically via email to Randall Richardson. Randall also can be contacted at 912.690.2664 for questions and comments.

    Download Application (PDF)

    Download Application (Word)